Thursday, November 4, 2010

The key is "what's under"

The key to a great pastel painting is what you do for an under painting. There several methods to under painting and we are  using the alcohol to wet the paper. Here are the steps used:1. Block in your paining with complimentary colors ( if it is a landscape use reds for the areas that will eventually be green etc.)
2. Using a soft paint brush wet the colors that you have painted. Brush each color separately to avoid bleeding of the colors.
3. Wait until it is dry. shouldn't be to long since you used alcohol.
4. Now you are ready to paint over with the local color...( color that is the actual)
This exercise proved to be interesting. After using the above mentioned system the paintings took on a vibrancy that just made the colors sing.
I'm not sure how Charlene got by me without me taking a picture of her painting. Hopefully she will bring it back next week so I can post it.

Valerie putting on her gloves

Valerie's painting with an underpainting. Fabulous!

Rita is working while Connie is ready for the camera

Connie's pastel with vibrant foreground Great Job Connie.
Rit's pastel has a warm rich foreground. Beautiful Rita.

Arlene getting out her pastels

Arlene's pastel with great use of color variations .You created
good form for the trees. Wonderful work.

Jean's beautiful pastel. The warm colors in the foreground
along with the variation so color make for a
beautiful pastel.  Kudos, Jean!

1 comment:

  1. I love the color with the underpainting. Such a nice result. Everyone did a great job!
