Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Challenge:30 strokes or less

Yes, The challenge this week was to paint a painting in 30 strokes or less. What fun. The class was a bit taken back by the challenge but they stepped up and produce some fantastic paintings. Painting in 30 strokes or less forces the artist to pay attention to the shapes in the painting. It produces a more abstract painting to begin with and as the painting progresses the details can be painted or not.
This first painting was done by Arlene. She painted this painting in less that 30 strokes. Her use of the pastels was genius. She painted the shadows in the far mountains in a cool blue and the shadows in the middle of the painting in a slightly warmer blue. She then painted the foreground in warm yellows and reds. The bit of green stripe in the front of the painting sets the road off along with the green bush on the right. The clouds are in contrast to the mountains. Beautiful Painting's your best one.

Arizona landscape by Arlene

Mt Katahdin  by Jean
Jean painted this lovely painting of this famous mountain. She created this with great depth by using a light blue on the water. The sky is central to this painting and is in contrast to the mountain. The shadows in the water are soft and flowing. This photo doesn't  do this painting justice. Great job Jean.
Charlene's garden with rock wall

Charlene painted this painting in less that 30 strokes. She painted the shapes quickly and then began to paint the details with color. She used mostly hard pastels and as she got near the completion she switched to soft pastels.
The painting is very successful. The rock wall is the focal point of this painting. The flowers are secondary. Charlene worked hard on these rock to get them just right. I think she was very successful.
Beautiful painting, Charlene.

Rita's yellow flowers

This painting is so successful. The foreground is warm...the eye moves across the painting to the darker shadows the warm stripes are beautiful. The mountains are inviting and Rita softened them with a pale lavender. The sky is dramatic. I love the colors she used in the clouds. That little splash of blue is zest of color that  is a wonderful surprise. Beautiful painting in less than 30 strokes, Rita

Valerie colorful landscape

Valerie painted this in under 30 strokes.. I,m not sure how it happened but the color in this paining is cool yet the painting is overall very warm. I love how you used the pastel and the strokes you made. It is very effective. The trees look as if there is a wind blowing through them. Beautiful job, Valerie!


1 comment:

  1. How impressive. Can't believe that they were created with only 30 strokes!!
